How to Buddy Tape a Finger

When you buddy tape fingers, the goal is to stabilize an injured finger by taping it to an adjacent uninjured finger. This is a basic first aid approach for mild injuries like sprains that can be treated at home.

However, some finger injuries can be severe enough to require a splint or surgery. In certain cases, buddy taping can help to keep the fingers immobilized until a healthcare provider can diagnose and treat the injured fingers. Buddy taping shouldn't be done if there is an open wound on the finger.

This article outlines when buddy taping is used (and not used), how it is performed, and possible complications you need to watch out for.


Examine the Injured Finger

Fingers buddy taped

Buddy tape on fingers can be used for minor injuries such as sprains or strains. Healthcare providers sometimes use buddy taping for minor fractures, but they only do so after the finger has been X-rayed and they are confident that the fracture will heal normally.

If there isn't an open wound, look to see if the finger is deformed in any way. If the finger is bent at an abnormal angle, has a visible protrusion, or is severely swollen, seek immediate care.

Things like a ​mallet finger (in which the top of the finger bends abnormally toward the palm) or a dislocated finger should not be treated at home.

You can buddy tape finger injuries when there's no obvious deformity and they can be immobilized this way. It will prevent further aggravation of the injury.

Buddy taping at home should only be done when there are no physical deformities in the injured finger. If there is any chance that the finger has been fractured or dislocated, seek immediate treatment.


Use Medical Cloth Tape

cloth tape
Medical cloth tape can easily be torn in whatever width needed.

To buddy tape fingers, use medical cloth tape. Medical cloth tape is woven in such a way that it can be easily torn along either crosswise or lengthwise. It is also waterproof and has less "give" than other, less-sturdy tapes.

Medical tape can be cut lengthwise to fit. Joints nearer to the tip of the finger may require a narrower piece of tape than those closer to the knuckle.

You can create whatever width you need by starting a small tear at the end of the tape. Once you've done that, the tape will continue to come off the roll in whatever width you've created.

A study done in children found the buddy tape method to be generally as effective as splinting for fingers. Medical cloth tape is the best choice for buddy taping as it is waterproof, sturdy, and can be cut either crosswise or lengthwise.


Tape Between Joints

taped fingers range of motion
Buddy taped fingers can still have range of motion.

This method of buddy taping fingers will allow you to protect the injury but you can still flex and extend so that you can grip things. You won't be able to twist or move side-to-side.

To buddy tape a finger:

  1. Cut or tear each piece of tape long enough to encircle the injured and adjacent finger.
  2. Apply one piece of tape between the first and second joints, and place another between the second and third joints (as pictured above).
  3. The pieces need to be as wide as possible to ensure comfort and stability but still be narrow enough not to cover the joints.
  4. Wrap the tape firmly but not so tight that it causes the fingers to swell, turn colors, or become numb. If this happens, remove the tape and try again with a new piece of tape.

How Long Should You Buddy Tape a Finger?

When health care providers use this method for fractures and dislocations, fingers need two to four weeks of buddy taping. The injured finger may be stiff afterward, and physical therapy may be needed. Depending on the injury, full recovery can take up to five months but your healthcare provider can give you specifics on what to expect.


Buddy Taping Ring and Pinkie Fingers

Ring fingers and pinkie fingers should be buddy taped together

Taping the pinkie finger can be tricky because it is much shorter than the adjacent ring finger.

Even so, if either of these two fingers is injured, it is best to tape them together. Doing so ensures better functionality until the injury heals. If you tape the ring finger to the middle finger, it will be harder to grip things.

To properly buddy tape a ring and pinkie finger, you will have to angle the pieces of tape. It can take a few tries to get it right. Don't be afraid to peel off the tape and start again if things don't look or feel right.

The type and location of the fracture (which finger) often determine whether you can buddy tape fingers. For example, it's a treatment commonly used in kids who have a fracture in their fifth finger, often due to a sports injury.

Possible Complications

Buddy taping is a common way to treat finger and toe injuries, but there are a few drawbacks and concerns to be aware of. These include:

  • Irritation: Tape, even medical tape, can irritate sensitive skin. Applying a little moisturizer to the skin and letting it dry before taping may help reduce the irritation.
  • Pressure sores between fingers: To avoid this, un-tape the fingers at least once daily and allow them to breathe for several minutes. You can also place a piece of gauze between the fingers to reduce pressure.
  • Skin infection: If there is an open wound or sore on the finger. buddy taping may cause an infection due to the added moisture and warmth. If you have any signs of skin infection (including pain, swelling, redness, or a pus-like discharge), call your healthcare provider.

Can You Keep Playing Sports if a Finger Is Buddy Taped?

It depends. In highly competitive sports, athletes may return to a game once a minor injury is buddy taped to avoid hyperextension. But to heal properly, the injured finger should rest for several weeks.


Buddy taping is a first aid technique used for minor finger injuries to help stabilize the finger and allow it to heal. It should not be used at home if there is an open wound or there are signs of a fracture or dislocation. See a healthcare provider for care.

Buddy taping is performed with medical cloth tape, One piece of tape is wrapped between the first and second joints of the injured and adjacent fingers; another piece is wrapped around the second and third joints. If the ring finger is injured, it should be buddy taped to the pinkie finger.

Possible complications include skin irritation, pressure sores, and skin infection. Removing and reapplying the tape at least once daily helps reduce the risk and allows you to check for any signs of infection.

7 Sources
Verywell Health uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read our editorial process to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy.
  1. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Finger Fractures.

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  3. Jardin E, Pechin C, Rey P-B, Uhring J, Obert L. Functional treatment of metacarpal diaphyseal fractures by buddy taping: A prospective single-center study. Hand Surgery and Rehabilitation. 2016;35(1):34-39. doi:10.1016/j.hansur.2015.12.001

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Rod Brouhard, EMT-P

By Rod Brouhard, EMT-P
Rod Brouhard is an emergency medical technician paramedic (EMT-P), journalist, educator, and advocate for emergency medical service providers and patients.